Python Coding Gloves - New Release

We recently released a new typing glove with a python code design. While we’ve had our JavaScript coding gloves for a long time, we’ve finally created another glove with one of the most popular coding languages. Python is one of the main languages computer science students learn. It is also commonly used by software engineers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, developers and more.

We wrote our own code for these gloves.

So what python code should go on the gloves? We wanted to do something that wasn’t too niche, so we thought we would do something that most people can relate too. It may have even been a question on an exam that you had in a computer science class. We wrote a variety of different Fibonacci functions that return the nth term in the Fibonacci sequence. There are three functions included on the gloves: a recursive function, an iterative function, and a memoized function.


My husband, Nick Lourie, wrote our code for these gloves. Many of you have probably written similar functions for a project or coding practice at some point. These have been thoughtfully coded so that all of the functions are similar in size to fit into a repeating fabric pattern nicely. If you’re still taking computer science classes, just remember —don’t wear these to your exam or it might look like you’re cheating!

Premiere of New Coding Gloves at New York City PyData Event

We officially released these gloves online on the day of a special event with PyData NYC. They have meetups in Manhattan approximately every two weeks. We coordinated a raffle for the attendees in March —the winner received the very first pair of our Fibonacci python coding gloves. Community speakers at the event spoke about applying machine learning in industry and how to contribute to open source coding projects.

We shared a short presentation about how our business started. (If you’ve already heard you can skip this paragraph —) It all started with realizing the problem that people who work at the computer often experience hand and wrist pain. One such person has been Nick, a software engineer and also my fiancé. We both found through research that cold hands can cause problems. “Cold muscles and tendons are at much greater risk for overuse injuries”[1]. 🤔How could he keep his hands warm while working? 💡And he realized —gloves for typing! Unfortunately most gloves are not designed for typing: they restrict movement and put more strain on your fingers as you type and/or they are often designed for other purposes like being outdoors or for specific medical issues. That’s when we created Refiber Designs’ main product. Our gloves are for typing. They don’t restrict the fingers, are angled away from the pinky so it is easy to reach the tab key and modal keys like control or shift (great for Emacs users!). And they are of course practical and machine washable. We’ve now been in business for over 4 years, with lots of great customer reviews. We hope to continue to share our product with more people that find it useful!

We are thankful to PyData NYC for having us at their event! PyData, organized by NumFOCUS, has a wonderful community of users and developers of data analysis tools that get together to share ideas and learn from each other. They have meetups and conferences in various cities across the world, so I encourage trying to attend one in your area.

Resources and other footnotes:

[1] Homsy, Foudda R et al. “Prosthetic considerations of contemporary all-ceramic fixed partial dentures: a review of the literature.” (2008). pg 42-43

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