Coding Collection - Typing Gloves
Refiber Designs originally designed their typing gloves with coding in mind. At the time, my husband was a software engineer struggling with repetitive strain injury from long hours of coding at the computer. With some research, he found out that keeping his hands warm was a significant aspect to his hand health.

WFH Self-care & Ergonomics: improving your day-to-day experience
Let’s be practical here.
Self-reflect —consider the most direct things you can do that would significantly improve your happiness during your work day at home.

5 Easy Tips, Learn about Ergonomics from a Professional
Pricelda Cid is an awesome Occupational Therapist who specializes in the field of ergonomics. I’m lucky to have her professional input in my products at Refiber Designs. Being proactive about ergonomics is more important than ever in an era where daily computer use is unceasingly expanding in our work and personal lives. Read on for a pragmatic introduction to ergonomics and useful tips from a professional.

A Simple Change to Consider for Hand/Wrist Ergonomics
While we all know there is no simple solution that will fix everything with your hand ergonomics at work, I’d like to share one of the simplest things you can do that might not have even occurred to you.